Religious life
"Ora et Labora"
Religious life in Saint Benedict’s monastery
The daily life of the nuns at St Benedict’s Monastery is based on the Benedictine rule of “Ora et labora”, which involves alternating moments of prayer and work. The monastic day begins at 5 a.m. with the alarm clock, followed at 5.25 a.m. by the morning readings and Lauds, and then the 7 a.m. Mass.
The whole monastic day then alternates between spiritual moments – communal or individual – and work, such as sewing and embroidery, cooking, caring for the infirm sisters and studying and passing on knowledge about the history of the monastery, also through the publication of essays.
Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Religious life in Saint Benedict’s monastery
Benedictine Sisters of
Perpetual Adoration
This is a congregation of the Benedictine order established by Mother Mectilde de Bar in the monastery of Rambervillers in 1654, at the time of Louis XIV’s France being ravaged by noble fringes.
The establishment of the congregation also responded to the requests of the regent of France, Anne of Austria, who, due to various political events that endangered the life of the young Louis XIV, did her utmost to establish a religious structure of Benedictine women dedicated to the constant adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This first foundation was followed, in 1683, by the publication of the first edition of “Le Véritable esprit des Religieuses adoratrices perpétuelles du Très Saint-Sacrement de l’Autel” (The True Spirit of the Religious Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar), which expresses in every way the spirituality of the Benedictines of the Blessed Sacrament.
The new monastic order was introduced in Catania only three centuries later, in 1910, on the recommendation of Archbishop Francica Nava, who chose the monastery of St Benedict also because of its location in the heart of the city of Catania.
What’s Perpetual Adoration?
But what is perpetual adoration? This particular form of devotion consists of uninterrupted adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Meaning that at any time of day, at least one sister of St Benedict is in prayer addressing the Most High.